Friday, September 28, 2007

Foundations 1

Still growing I have slowly become more aware of certain things.

Man can not be trusted.
Yet, man must be trusted and many must trust.

Man does not know how to love, to be loved, or even how to define it.
Yet, man must be loved and man must love.

Man has two inherent natures: to destroy and to create.
Often one nature takes the guise of the other.
This leads one to wonder whether different definitions and views of creation and destruction must be considered and changed.

What are definitions? Are they windows, captions and summaries of greater thing?
Their words evoke images that translated to certain fundemental meanings in our minds, but do we not miss, within the lines of the translation, the greater truth of the actual weight of the reality?

We live our lives, understanding snapshots of what we think is happening around us.
I'd like to take several panorama shots and compare notes to other photo albums.